Saturday, April 14, 2007

Chasing Easter Bunnies in Oregon, April 6-9

Finally revived the traditional Easter Trip to OR/WA. The gang: Karen and Ben, Eric, Pete and I. Points of interest: Clackamas – Three Lynx down, at a low 2000 cfs but really fun play level (except for Bob’s). Bagby Hotsprings. Hood River - Dee down (1200 cfs). Pete and I were the only ones who had done this run before and completely forgot an exciting S-turn which sported a head-hunter log necessitating a portage, instead we remembered another drop that in the meantime had washed out. White Salmon – BZ Corner to Husum Falls (3.75). Good fun, but only Eric and Pete braved Husum Falls. Wind River Hotsprings. New for all of us: Tilton (1300 cfs). Excellent run, relaxing low flows, canyon-like feel similar to Lynn Creek, but longer with more drops and bigger lines. Don’t get discouraged by the description of long flats at the start and end – the run is worth it. Although we didn’t encounter any, this run seems to be prone to collecting wood.