Friday, March 11, 2011

First spring thermals, March 6

Yeah! Spring is here! 1.5 hours airtime in nice thermals.

Launched after Pete and had to work a while along the South Knoll to get up. It took over 30 minutes of surfing the trees and I was already thinking of heading to the LZ because I got bored of it. But luckily the hard work finally paid off. Once above the knoll it was easy to stay up and get to cloudbase. Nice to play in the thermals with friends and many eagles (several - gaggles - of 4 or 5 of them). Looked like the eagle had at least as much fun as we, playing with each other. One did a big dive, tugging in his/her wings. But they didn't like going to cloudbase and preferred to stay lower. The hand warmers worked well on hands and feet, in the end I had only two cold finger tips.

The only bad thing about such a long flight is that it takes way too long to edit the video!