Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring at Woodside, March 19

What a great day for flying yesterday and it even happened on a weekend (not the usual mid-week nice weather window). Smooth thermals, plenty of lift with a somewhat low cloudbase. A special treat this year with winter sticking around for ever. Conditions were suitable for a cross-country stint across the Fraser. Winter wonderland on the Bridal side with the snowline around 1000 meters. Pete and I managed to find a suitable climb there to head back over to Woodside. First Fraser Valley triangles of the year and only the second ever for me, although mine was a bit short ... but Leonardo still gave me FAI triangle points

Still winter on the north side of the mountains above Bridal Falls

Looking back from where I came from (Mt Woodside behind the river on the left)

Pete and Alex with very photogenic wings