Thursday, May 25, 2017

Pacific Beach Hike - Shi Shi

I revisited the Olympic Coast to check out Shi Shi beach and Cape Flattery. The hike to the beach is just an hour so I took the opportunity to bring lots of camera gear. There are super scenic sea stacks and sea arches on both ends of the beach and the sunsets were well worth schlepping the camera gear.

I timed the tides and got to where I turned around on my visit last year coming from the south and Ozette Lake. While I didn’t meet another (human) soul during two days of my hike last year Shi Shi Beach was more popular and I had a couple of cups of tea with four fellows from Seattle.

Just like last year the noise of crashing waves only meters from my tent at high tide kept me awake and wondering. When ocean kayaking we always camp at calmer spots… it makes landing kayaks a whole lot less painful.

Shi Shi is accessed through Makah tribal land and there are fees for a recreational permit and overnight parking in addition to the National Park backcountry fee. Things to remember: map with tidal heights and ferry booking.