Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Valkyr Pow

Great skiing this year at Valkyr Lodge! Lots of surface hoar when we arrive and new snow on top of this makes for slippery conditions. We trigger some remotes in the trees but work our way around everything and get good turns (mostly Stoney trees and Sunset area). An American couple who joined our group last minute was more 'adventurous' and went into the alpine where they kicked off a class 3. Luckily no involvement. They skied more conservative for the rest of the week. Last day we get lots of wind and sleep in. The total elevation gain of 8000m wasn't quite up to our best years (over 10,000m) but given the conditions still a very nice week!

Our home for the week - Naumulten Lodge

Pete testing the pow

Yes, we were here before (2007)... proof of it hanging on the wall in the lodge