Hike & wait
After two more flights at Bridal Falls with a couple of maneuvers (asymmetricals, frontals and a baby spiral) I finished the novice course and have now my Paraglider Novice rating. Enjoying the newly earned freedom (of being signed off and cerified to fly on my own) Pete and I hiked the next morning up to Upper Bridal Launch were we waited for good conditions for too long (welcome to ‘hike and wait’). I had no problems launching in light winds, but things were not as easy for Pete. The wind shut down and it took him three attempts over the next hour to finally get in the air. Even the constant stream of ATV and dirt bike riders abated so Pete had a true solo-launch.
After two more flights at Bridal Falls with a couple of maneuvers (asymmetricals, frontals and a baby spiral) I finished the novice course and have now my Paraglider Novice rating. Enjoying the newly earned freedom (of being signed off and cerified to fly on my own) Pete and I hiked the next morning up to Upper Bridal Launch were we waited for good conditions for too long (welcome to ‘hike and wait’). I had no problems launching in light winds, but things were not as easy for Pete. The wind shut down and it took him three attempts over the next hour to finally get in the air. Even the constant stream of ATV and dirt bike riders abated so Pete had a true solo-launch.

Fraser River and Hwy 1 at Bridal Falls (and my hiking boots)

ATV Parade at Upper Bridal Launch