Pete in Joe Bob's on the Clackamas
The usual suspects (and some new ones) made their way to Oregon to dust off kayaks and paddles. The rivers: the Clackamas (a bit higher than two years ago, much of the smaller features and Bob’s were washed out but Joe Bob’s worked), the Molalla, a new run in narrow basalt canyons with some fun drops (should take a lower put-in next time) and the White Salmon at relaxing low flow (2.75, but unfortunately a big fat log in Husum Falls).
Its spring in OR. Maple trees bloom in yellow and the first Balsam Roots show. Bagby Hotsprings still snowed in, but of course excellent! Star gazing at our campsite on the Klickitat and turkeys gobbling at night.

Spring is here

Molalla - Three bears run

Basalt pillar canyons

Maytag on the White Salmon