It was too windy at first but when we came back from a short hike things looked much better. After a fast sled-ride for me lift turned on and Pete made good use it, playing around with the eagles and then top-landing. Then it was my turn for a +1h flight to 150 m above launch with a small gaggle of eagles and fellow human flyers. It took me a couple of tries (and a low save) but I managed a smooth top landing so Pete could take off for a second flight too.
Mt Cheam across the valley looked distinctly wintery!

Wind was too strong east on Saturday (too strong for flying, that is) so we used the break from the rain for a hike up Stawamus Chief - haven't been up there for a while. A couple of years a friend discovered this exciting photo op (so we have to came here and take a picture every time we hike the Chief):