Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Over Lillooet Lake - Sept 6

I had given up hope of airtime on the long weekend, but after hiking to Tenquille Lake we dropped by Ted’s towing camp at Lillooet Lake. Although I had tow-launched before, it’s a very strange feeling being pulled up by the harness while the wing hangs back. But pretty cool to climb higher and higher, above the sub peaks and the lowest cloud layers near them. The angle of the tow line increased so much that at the downwind leg I was looking down at a very small tow boat almost directly below me. My tow to about 1000 m AGL was apparently the highest of the day.

No, that's not us, its one of the Pemby acro guys

I made good use of the altitude with SIV maneuvers I had been too chicken to try over land, including accelerated collapses, 180 degree spins, B-line stalls and a long, deep spiral. My spiral gave Pete a bit of a scare since I didn’t pull out when prompted over the radio. I had a good time cranking it and just didn’t hear it – hope it was due to the wind noise and not to a G-force induced slowed reaction. New things learned: it’s best to induce spins with a fast, hard pull (instead of slow and gradual) and to constantly monitor altitude even when having lots of fun.