The first half went by way too fast and has been very very busy.
My parents visited from Germany for the first two weeks in July. We got to do lots of hikes in and near Vancouver. First we wandered up the snowy slopes of Mt Seymour ski area to Brockton Point – watched even a few die-hard skiers and snowboarders!

Still lots of snow in the mountains - even for Canada!

A few days later we found an amazing patch of yellow glacier lilies just below Mt. Cheam.

My parents even came and watched us paragliding at Bridal Fall on the other side of the Cheam ridge – and as added bonus I finally got some pictures of myself in the air!

That's me in the air at Bridal (photo H. Schwab)

Kiting at Steveston (photo H. Schwab)
During the second week we spent a couple of nights at Tyax Resort in the South Chilcotins and explored a rough trail to Ault Lake. Rather impressive signs of bear activity everywhere – judging by the size it must have come from grizzlys!

By the way, this is PADDY, my new ride

My mum was much more happy back at the car and greatly enjoyed fields of orchids, lupins and indian paintbrush by the side of the road.

Jill and Robin (Pete's parents) came over from the Island for a family reunion and a Howe Sound cruise with circumnavigation of Anvil Island and seal rock visit.

But just like at home, my parents couldn’t sit still and spent every spare minute working on our garden – it has never looked that nice before!