Snow melt is very late this year (just as the snow was in November), but the Wenatchee is finally up!
As every year we meet the usual paddling friends. The group of WA paddlers, one long-lost friend who moved to the Kootenays years ago, and even some boaters from Vancouver who's kids and house and other business has kept them from regular river runs last year.
So together we surf some waves , run some rapids, enjoy the sun and a cool bevi at the take-out, and exchange stories from the last year. What a great place!
We also indulge in our latest pasttime - paragliding at Chelan Butte.
As every year we meet the usual paddling friends. The group of WA paddlers, one long-lost friend who moved to the Kootenays years ago, and even some boaters from Vancouver who's kids and house and other business has kept them from regular river runs last year.
So together we surf some waves , run some rapids, enjoy the sun and a cool bevi at the take-out, and exchange stories from the last year. What a great place!
We also indulge in our latest pasttime - paragliding at Chelan Butte.