Decisions, decisions! What to do for the first long weekend of the year?
Options are the traditional paddle trip to Oregon, flying in the Interior or slip back into winter mode and ski. Cold temperatures, fresh snow and a seat sale for the last weekend of operation at Monashee Powder Cats make the final decision easy – we are off for 3 days cat skiing.
We get excellent snow, meet great people to ski with (including a now 74 year old Floridian we met 2 years ago) and the same great service, delicious food and a hot tub in the snowstorm. The Easter Bunny wakes us with coffee and chocolate eggs on Sunday.
The guides are still a bit edgy about avalanche conditions. Just a couple of days ago a cornice triggered a major slide. We also hear many interesting stories about the sketchy conditions earlier this year, airbag deployments, ski cuts etc. Shows again how lucky we were with our Fairy Meadow trip.