The weekend forecast was for crazy hot temperatures. We decided this would only be tolerable close to the water, so we loaded the sea kayaks on the car and set off for the Sunshine Coast. The objective was the Thormanby Islands. We launched at a small Marina in Secret Cove. With many stops to cool down in the ocean we found a camp spot in our own private cove on the south side of South Thormanby (a provincial park). On Sunday we completed our circumnavigation of both South and North Thormanby (somewhat unavoidable as the two islands are actually connected by a sandbar in all but the highest flood).

After 2 weeks on the silty Taku I was thoroughly impressed by the crystal clear ocean water. Along the southern half of our route we encountered many seals (most of them moms with babies) and only few humans. This changed as soon as we passed Buccaneer Bay, a place Pete remembered from his childhood sailboat trips. Lots of sailboats anchored and people enjoying the beach when we came by.

It was hot even on the water, but whenever we got to a nice cove or sandy beach we stopped for dips in the ocean to cool down. Great to get out in the sea kayaks and escape the heat.