How appropriate – the poor weather on the coast coincides with the VKC Wenatchee trip! Although the water levels were just a touch on the high side (9500-10000 cfs) this turned into an excellent trip. Great to get some paddling in, meet a new crop of keen kayakers and not feel as if we missed great flying! Weather wasn't quite up to usual standard. On our first Wenatchee weekend for the season a week earlier (the river didn't come up until May 15!!!) we even hit the day that broke several rain records ... see
Cliff Mass' blog). But the sun came out nevertheless and we got to enjoy the spectacle of the beautiful yellow flowers of Arrow-leaved Balsamroot.

I didn’t take many pictures (way too busy surfing, spinning… and rolling), but here are a couple from last weekend and the May-long weekend: ... (coming soon)