After two years we finally got around to fly from Mt Cheam again, the 2112 meter high sentinel of the Fraser Valley. It’s a pleasant hike&fly (the hiking part took me just under 2 hours). But the shuttle logistics make some serious planning necessary. I managed to spark the interest of two German paddling friends to join us for the hike. Since a 4WD vehicle is needed to access the trail head they would get to ride up with us and then drive the car down (Danke, Caro und Arndt!).
I had expected intense fall colors with red blueberry bushes and yellow alders (or is it ash?), but most of the flank of Mt Cheam was already covered in ankle-deep snow. It still made for a nice hike and beautiful flight launching from the snow, skirting the bowl with tiny Spoon Lake below, over the ridge to the Fraser Valley and down to our usual landing at Bridal Falls.
Not a single beep on the vario. Better get ready for winter flying…

Summit of Mt Cheam and Harrison Lake behind the ridge