Monday, January 7, 2019
Skiing at Namulten - Valkyr range
Our visits to Blanket Glacier Chalet have come to an end. Al, the owner, retired and has handed over the business to his son Marty. As the interest in back country / powder skiing increases, Marty gets enough guests that are happy to pay for guiding and catering. But this almost doubles the price from what we pay for our self-guided self-catered weeks.
But still we went skiing, with the same group and at the same time, just a different location: in the Valkyr Mountains near Nakusp. Unfortunately this years snow pack was somewhat underwhelming, everywhere. We still got out every day and had lots of turns but the motivation to climb and ski the customary 10,000 meter was not there. In any way, a good trip with good friends and we'll try again next year!