It was better to wait just a bit longer, as Pete demonstrated when he launched first and after long scratching sunk out. I had a bit more luck, but still had to be very patient and work the weak thermals for over an hour. I was already getting bored flying around launch, but finally patience paid off. A strong thermal took me high enough to where I felt I could venture east.
Ever since I watched videos of flying over wintry mountains and snow-covered trees, I wanted to fly there too – and now I was doing it! White ridges, trees loaded with snow and the snow-filled avalanche gullies of Mt Cheam. What an amazing view. I turned around just below where the peak of Cheam was hiding in the clouds. Same game as on the two other flights a did along the ridge; first I thought, I would make it to the Cloverleaf LZ, then a thermal and Bridal LZ was within glide, and the next thermal got me on glide back above launch.
Next I flew west, peeked over the pass into Chipmunk Valley, glided with little sink to Gloria. Back at launch again, a thermal took me up to over 1200 meters. I didn’t feel like landing already and flew out towards the river to see how far I could glide. Arrived over the river at a comfortable 800 meters, pushed on, flew over the town of Agassiz and finally arrived at the gas station, where I had landed before coming from Mt Woodside. My second longest flight so far for both distance and time (27.7 km and 3 hrs), and my first valley crossing! Leonardo track here.

After snow and hail finally sun!

Lots of traffic at Bridal Launch

Flying east along Mt Cheam

Flying west to Gloria

Flying across the Fraser River

And Agassiz (landing where my feet point)