But I wasn't going to land before I flew the entire length of Green Hill since it’s known as a reliable thermal trigger. And at its very south end, there it was: a sweet thermal that took me from below 400 meter up to over 1400 meter! What a great climb from such a little hill! From there I went on glide over the Fraser and its many sandbanks and got to the south side of the valley at 400 meters. I was pretty happy with my second valley crossing, didn’t put as much effort into trying to continue as I could have and landed at the highway exit. Later I found out that another pilot had climbed out from the same height about an hour earlier and the next day someone made an even lower safe from half that height (but both with lot more experience in xc flying and on higher performance wings). But, hey, that was only my second valley crossing and my first from the north – I’ll leave the climb-out for next time! Leonardo track here.

Climbing for over 1000 meter over Green Hill. Harrison Lake left, Fraser River right.