Thar, Nak, Yak, Zopkios and Jim Kelly and Coquihalla in the back row
The trail was better then the one to Lama/Alpaca and the views did not disappoint. I'm always amazed about these spectacular places just a little off the beaten track. And always thinking: if this would be in Europe, it would be a major tourist attraction. Maybe better the way it is. Great destination for a medium length day trip from Vancouver. Due to the late start we only bagged Guanaco. Have to come back for Vicuna another time (with some climbing gear?).

Indian Paintbrush and Bog Orchids
Lots of snow still lingering in the niches and crannies for this time of year. Nice wildflowers and a black bear on the drive back to the highway. Exploring some more we drove up one of the logging roads close to Hope and ended up camping on a ridge way above the highway.