This time I spent quite some time low at the end of Owl ridge to gain enough height for the hop over to the next ridge. While I was groveling around Pete joined me after an aborted attempt to get over the flat section. As we searched patiently for lift, another pilot arrived above us and soon hooked into a thermal. I noticed that his harness looked rather weird and on closer inspection realized that he was in a wheelchair! Whoever it was, thanks for showing us the thermal to get out of there!
As usually Pete moved on at a faster pace and carried on across Hurley Pass Road, while I turned around at Copper Mound. Guess I need to do this a few more times to figure out the next step (crossing the Hurley).
In the picture above, Pemberton Valley is on the right. Mackenzie launch is on the backside of the ridge in the middle (above the small lake in the centre), Owl Peak is just right of centre. The flat section (a bit more challenging to cross this time) is between Owl Peak and the foreground ridge (just below centre of picture). I'm on the return leg of my flight and Copper Mound behind me. Pemberton, hidden by Owl ridge, is about 20 km away and past the green meadows on the very right.